Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Trouble Sleeping

Well, so much for getting better about blogging! Here it is, August, and I haven't posted anything since April. So much has changed since then, so here's the low down:

I graduated with my Master's in May. We had all 3 sets of parents in town, so juggling was the order of the week! It was a lot of fun, and I'm definitely glad to be done with homework, but I do miss the camaraderie of my classes.

In June, I started a job in Engineering at USC. I'm working in a small department that has minors and "specializations" (like minors, but smaller). I'm the only advisor, and I'm also responsible for marketing our classes and minors to students. So far, it's okay, but I'm not loving it the way that I thought I would. The people in the office are nice, but whoever was there before me didn't do a great job thinking things through, so there are a lot of half finished things, or things that I never would have started, that I'm now responsible for.

Also in June, we went to our first two weddings of the summer. One was up in Oregon, and the other was here in LA. Both turned out very well, and it was nice to get a chance to relax at a wedding, instead of having to think about planning mine!

July was pretty calm, which was nice. I was able to start getting caught up at work, and with friends, which was great. Not much else happened.

August has been getting progressively busier at work. Classes start in less than two weeks, and I'm just not sure how I'll get everything done before then! I'm supposed to be creating fliers to distribute for our classes, but I really don't have any experience making them, so I'm nervous about that. I'm also nervous about making sure that we get enough students in our classes. The way USC is set up, each department has to earn their own way through tuition. Engineering doesn't really have a hard time with that, so money is usually pretty easy to find, but I'm still nervous that our enrollment numbers won't go up, and it'll all be my fault. I know this is silly, because I didn't really have any control over these numbers (students had registered for most of their classes before I started working), but I really want to do well at my job, and I know this is one of the ways that success is judged.

While I'm very glad that I was able to get a job at USC, and get one so soon after graduation, I do wish that the job was more suited to my ideals than it currently is. I really want to be able to focus on students, and making their time at USC fantastic, and I don't currently feel like that's something I'll be doing in my job. I'll still be interacting with students, of course, but because I'm advising for a minor program, I won't see them every semester, and won't really be able to help them as much as a major program advisor would. For some reason this year, though, there weren't a lot of advising jobs that opened at USC, so I guess I should count myself lucky that I got one of the few that did. I haven't talked to anyone in the department about it, but I don't really see myself staying in this job for more than a year. Sure, the money is great, but I'm just not as happy as I thought I would be. I'm still keeping an eye on the jobs website, and if anything amazing comes up, I'll go for it, but I'm hoping that nothing will come up until April-June of next year.

I'm also wondering if I want to try out a position at USC Admissions. I got a call from them the day I accepted my current position, and since admissions is something that I've been interested in since my first assistantship, I really wish that I'd been able to consider the job. Either way, I figure that I can use this year to really make connections with other people, and start to make a name for myself at USC. I've already joined the advising council, and I'm planning on seeing if there are other committees that need members, so I can get out there and get involved.

As you'll probably notice from the timestamp....I'm up a little early (!), which is mostly because I woke up at some point, and couldn't get back to sleep with all the stuff racing around in my head. I'm hoping that writing some of it down will make things better, but we'll see.

I'm getting that heavy eyed feeling, so I'm off to see if I can get back asleep...here's hoping!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's been a while

I've been gone for a while, and I wish I could say that it was something amazing. But really, it was a lot of school, work, and just general blahness. But now that I'm almost done with school (one more paper to go!) I should be back more often. Right now, here's something to try out...

The Golden Compass is based on the first book in Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials series. I highly recommend it...it's kind of like Harry Potter, but very different. Anyway, let me know if you think my daemon is really me!

Monday, February 5, 2007


I hate waiting. Right now, I'm sitting at my computer, waiting to leave for work. The only thing I'm really waiting for is the time...I could leave right now, but I'd get to campus insanely early and have nothing to do. So I'm waiting. There's stuff that I could be doing, but it would take longer to do than I have time for.

This is a feeling that I had when I would work at Starbucks in the afternoons. Depending on how early I got going, there was always something that I could do, but usually not enough time to do it in. I hated those afternoons, and knowing that I couldn't spend the rest of the day just relaxing, but had to keep an eye on the clock to make sure that I had enough time to get to work.

In the grand scheme of things though, I suppose waiting isn't bad...it means that I was prepared enough (or in this case, got up early enough) to get the rest of my day going well.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A little break

I just realized that it's been a while since I posted! No particular reason, I just got caught up in work, school, and trying to have a life.

School is going well...I finally got syllabi for all my classes, and am starting to make a semester plan. Unfortunately, I'm suffering from a little bit of senioritis, and really not feeling like doing school work. Graduation feels like it's forever away, but I know that it will be here like a flash. I also know that there's a whole lot of stuff that I need to do before then...the main one, of course, is finding a job. I'm looking forward to getting a paycheck again, and being done with homework, but I'm not sure that I'm ready to be done with school. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's life!

Work is good, for the most part. At least I'm learning what I do and don't want from a job.

Having a life is fun too. I'm trying new things this spring. DH and I are going on a quick weekend trip to Mexico in March, and I've never been, so I'm looking forward to that. Right now, though, I'm finding that I enjoy going home at the end of the day, having dinner, and just relaxing with TV and cross stitch. DH got the big West Wing box set, so we've been working our way through the first season, which is quite good.

I'll try to get a good progress picture tonight, as I've come quite a ways on my Summer Queen. All that's left is some of her bodice, and her head, and some beading, and then she's done! I can't wait to see her!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Have you ever realized, while reading a book you don't own, that you've already read it before? I had that experience this weekend, and so I've decided to keep track of the books that I'm reading, along with how I liked them. (I have to warn you that I read very quickly....DH always comments on it). So far, for fun in 2007, I've read:

The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory - This was good, but not as good as some of her other books...I was a little worried, because I gave it to my SMIL, but I think that she liked it.

The Innocent by Posie Graeme-Evans - Very good...first in a trilogy, and captured me instantly. Set in the time after the Yorks have taken over the English Throne.

The Exiled by Posie Graeme-Evans - Second book in the above series. Good, but not quite as good as the first.

The Uncrowned Queen by Posie Graeme-Evans - Final book in the above series. Quite good, and I really enjoyed reading them.

Through A Glass Darkly by Karleen Koen - This was the one I had read before. It was good, but very long, and somewhat disjointed. The author has since written a sequel, and oddly enough, a prequel, which at some point I'll find and read.

House Dreams by Hugh Howard - Interesting book...I read it on vacation because there wasn't much else to read. A man who doesn't have much construction background decides to design and build a house for his family. Interesting to read about all the construction.

Fly Me to the Moon by Alyson Noel - Light Chick Lit. Good beach read, and so-so story. But for reading on the beach, I don't always want something deep, so this worked.

I think there have been more, but I can't remember right now! Now it's off to do homework!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


No stitching updates yet, but I'm hoping I'll get some tonight...I'm heading home before the sun goes down, so I'm hoping to take some good pictures with natural light.

Today I wanted to talk a little about work, and what I do, and also how an office environment can totally change the way you work. Right now, I have two Graduate Assistantships. They are both in fields that I'm somewhat interested in, which is nice, but I think that the comparisons stop there. One is a job I started again today...it's a graduate admissions office on campus, only 5 full time staff, and all women. I worked for them last year, and when their other Grad Assistant didn't work out last semester, they asked me if I would like to come back for a day a week. I really enjoyed the people that I was working with while here, and I jumped at the chance to come back and work with them.

My other position is in an undergraduate advising office on campus, and the office is completely different from the admissions office. It also has an all female staff, only 4, but the attitude is completely different. My position there is really somewhat unecessary, there's a second GA who gets asked to do all of the things in the office, even the stuff where I have more experience, and I spend 7 hours a day cooped up in a little office with nothing to do. They do pay well though, 18 an hour, which is really nice, but I sometimes wonder if it's worth it. The office is not well run, the director doesn't know what she wants, and isn't clear about communicating the ideas she does have. She is rarely in the office, so we usually have to tell students that they have to wait for her...and more than once she has stood both me, and other, more important, people up for appointments. The women in the office are all somewhat blah, and it is a very sterile (not in a good way) place. Everyone has their own office, and any communication that needs to be done is through email...no one chats about work, etc. Staff meetings are regularly ignored or forgotten about, and there's really no cohesion in the office. While I enjoy the pay, working there really does drain me of some spirit, and each day that I stay, I question my decision to work in student affairs.

My other office is completely different. They know my talents, and that's why they asked me to come back in the first place! Coming back and seeing them was amazing...they asked questions, and I felt like they really cared about the answers. They all wanted to see my wedding pictures, and were excited to see me. The office has 3 offices...one each for the director and assistant director, and then one big room for everyone else, where we all have cubicles. We talk to each other throughout the day, about work, about funny things in life, and about odd things we find on the internet. There's so much more companionship in this office, and I'm looking forward to coming back next week so much! I wish that this were the job I was working 3 days a week, and the other was the 1 day a week job. But, looking on the bright side, at least I have a place like this, that I enjoy coming to. I know so many people have work situations that they don't enjoy (I lived through that before), and I'm grateful that I do...even if it is just one day a week.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Summer Queen WIP

So I think I'll start out the real posts with a stitching one...after all, I started the blog for that purpose! Anyway, here is a picture from the end of June of my Mirabilia's Summer Queen. She's one in a set of many queens...there's one for each season, plus a Christmas one, and a few random ones. Right now, I have the four seasonal ones kitted up, and am slowly working my way through them. As you can imagine, the occasional 25 page paper for school does get in the way of my cross stitching, which is why she's going so slowly. I started her in August of 2005, right before I started school, and I know that I won't be done with her before I finish school, but I'll probably be close. Anyway, I'll try to get a current picture of her in the next few days, but for now, here she is.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

My First Post

Well, here goes...

I've had a LJ for a while, but can't seem to get into sharing/writing stuff on it, so now I'm going to try Blogger, and not post as much about myself to see if that helps. I figure it's a new year, so why not get off to a good start. There's lots of stuff going on in my life that I can chronicle, so why not try this!

I guess you need a little background about me. I'm in my mid 20s, and living in Southern California. I moved out here to go to college, and have stuck around since then. Right now, I'm in the process of getting my Masters of Education, focusing on college administration. I don't want to teach, instead, I'll be working with college students. My dream jobs right now are in academic advising (helping students figure out their classes, majors, etc.) or in admissions. I'm done with my program in May, and am looking forward to being in the working world again...I'll be so glad to be done with papers and reading boring textbooks!

I recently got married, which was a lot of fun. Granted, there were times when I was planning it that I could easily have eloped, but I'm glad that we had the big family wedding. The pictures are great, and I know that I will love having them later on.

Let's see....other things about me...I guess you might be wondering about the name of my blog...I cross stitch in my spare time, so I'm a stitcher, and I'm hoping that I will be able to force myself to post pictures here soon. It's more a matter of forcing myself to take the pictures, but I'm looking forward to having a pictorial timeline of my stitching. The gelfling comes from the Jim Henson movie, Dark Crystal. A friend of my husband's, when we first met, looked at my pointy ears, and somewhat elf like features, and declared me a gelfling. At the time, I hadn't seen the movie, but once I did, I decided that I could deal with the moniker...much better than Dr. Spock, which was my nickname when I was in elementary school.

So I think that's about it for today....I'm off to eat dinner...I made chili, and it smells delicious!