Monday, February 5, 2007


I hate waiting. Right now, I'm sitting at my computer, waiting to leave for work. The only thing I'm really waiting for is the time...I could leave right now, but I'd get to campus insanely early and have nothing to do. So I'm waiting. There's stuff that I could be doing, but it would take longer to do than I have time for.

This is a feeling that I had when I would work at Starbucks in the afternoons. Depending on how early I got going, there was always something that I could do, but usually not enough time to do it in. I hated those afternoons, and knowing that I couldn't spend the rest of the day just relaxing, but had to keep an eye on the clock to make sure that I had enough time to get to work.

In the grand scheme of things though, I suppose waiting isn't means that I was prepared enough (or in this case, got up early enough) to get the rest of my day going well.